Knowing how many types of massage chairs are there is not really necessary for ordinary people, and it’s hard to do. But for someone who wants to buy a massager chair with more complete and professional knowledge, this is necessary because each type of massage chair has its own special features and uses. In this article, we plan to introduce a variety of massager chair models for those who are interested in buying a massager chair. Stay alright.
Types of massage chair models
The benefits of massage and the use of massagers are not covered by anyone. It’s safe to say that the most complete and most practical type of massager is the massaging chair, which enables you to massage all the limbs simultaneously and provide you with an unparalleled massage. But good massager seats are not the same and not a model, and various types of them are available with different applications in the market. We will introduce these models for you.
Reclining Massage Chair
This kind of massage chair is like a lazy lounger that also has a massage feature. The procedure is leather, and is usually bought with other comfortable sofas. These massage chairs are very suitable for people who want to massage when they are napping, and they have exactly the same feel and feel of the comfortable seats that feature a bed.
Zero Gravity Massage Chair
It may be incredible to be zero in gravity, but this type of chair is the best example to simulate the sense of astronauts in zero gravity. Gravitational zero seat is very useful for removing joint pain and bone pain, as it will get rid of the pressure that may have entered your joints for several days. The price of these seats is a little more than the other massagers, but I assure you that it’s worth it. Just use once to fall in love.
Zero Gravity means that when the chair is sleeping in the back, its legs rise simultaneously, and the body is placed in a perfectly horizontal position, and the body’s weight is divided into a nudge point, or zero.
You can see an example of this massager model below. To read more about this chairs model, go to the link below
Full body seats (Maximum body cover)
Full Body Seats (Maximum Body Cover)
The final model of the Massage Chair is full height seats. Buying this type of massager is like buying a Mercedes-Benz car with all possible features. This massager model is the most expensive but will do the best massage from your head to your fingertips. If you do not have a budget problem, the Full Body chair will be your best choice.
Ottoman Massage Chair
This model of massage chairs is more comfortable to experience, and therefore have a weak mechanical structure. The Ottoman Massage Chair is one of the lower chairs and has a low purchase cost and is suitable for those who are not interested in buying massagers because of their high cost. The Ottoman Massage Chair will be a valuable entry to your home.
Heated seats
Having a heated chair can be very appealing, but if this heat is accompanied by natural massage functions it will be much more attractive. The presence of heat during massage can greatly improve the muscle cure process. So, when shopping for a massage chair, make sure you have the ability to heat.
You can see one of these types of massage chairs on the link below.
مشاهده ماساژور Heated در آیرست
Which model of massage chair is the most sold and which is the least
Two models come with the most popular models of massagers. Ottoman seats and second reclining seats. The reason behind the sale of Ottoman seats is very clear. The much lower cost they have had to sell very high. Reclining seats are popular as well as the ability to create a high level of comfort, and their options can be removed and added, so that you can add or remove the update according to your budget.
Both Full Body and Zero Gravity have the lowest sales among all types of massagers. These two massage chairs are the most advanced models available and offer the most features, but their price makes them lose many customers.
You can also buy any of these massage chair models for your home or office. Choose one model based on the budget you are considering.
Ayrst, with a very long history of selling massages, will accompany you in the purchase of a massive massage. If you are looking to buy high quality and cost effective massage chairs, be sure to contact us and get advice from experts in the field.